The sexiest models this side of the Alps - Made in Slovenia calender for 2011

Zvone Kukec, a designer and a friend approached me the other day with a brilliant offer. I was chewing the idea of shooting a bundle of Slovenia's sexiest fashion models semi-nude at the back of my head for a while, so his offer of shooting the annual calender for Collegium Graphicum (a printing company from Slovenia) was a perfect opportunity for materializing my ubiquitous plan.
I called the agencies, I called the girls, I called Hasselblad and I called Profoto. Everybody said yes immediately. The planets were in the right position. The light was green.
We shot over a period of one week. It was hard getting all the girls together as some of them were really busy with bookings or working abroad. With careful planning we squeezed everything together within the set time frame and handed the photos to the Jamšek brothers, the owners of Collegium Graphicum. Needless to say, they loved the results instantly.
Because of a constant bombarding of all things Made in China, Japan, Germany, Romania and Bangladesh we decided to name the project MADE IN SLOVENIA - that is where our gorgeous girls are from after all. Let the world see the beauty of our supersexy babes, shot in tasteful black and white and posing sensually.
To really appreciate the calender you have to see it in its full glory, printed on marble pearl paper and super-sized to 50x70cm. Unfortunately it is printed in a strict limited edition of 300 copies for the lucky few who manage to get their hands on Slovenia's answer to the world-famous calender by Pirelli.
Or, as would put it...(click)
And the Italians said something similar...(click)
Impressum, tech specs and more:
AD&D: Zvone Kukec
Make-up: Tina Fabjan (head of make-up artists@Max Factor), Barbara Brenčič in Ana Porenta (both Max Factor), Saša Godejša (Eva)
Hair: Matej Komar & Kristina Kralj for Matej Komar Hairstyle, Goran Krstič for Frizerstvo GK (Anja)
Models: Živa, Sandra, Karin, Natalija, Eva, Nika (Bronz), Sara, Kaja, Ines (MG), Nina (Immortal), Anja, Tara.
Post-production: Julija Pugelj
Shot with Hasselblad H4D-50 (represented by Meditrade, Središka 21, Ljubljana).
Lighting by Profoto Acute2 2400 Ws & Profoto Giant Reflector (represented by ProFot, Rimska 3, Ljubljana)