The Sea is
my Land – artists from the Mediterranean
Curated by Francesco Bonami and Emanuela Mazzonis
Press office Paola C Manfredi press@paolamanfredi.com
Curated by Francesco Bonami and Emanuela Mazzonis
Press office Paola C Manfredi press@paolamanfredi.com
4. julij - 29. september 2013
Museo MAXXI, Rim
Nešteto pokrajin, a le eno morje. 46.000 kilometrov obale, ki povezuje tri celine. Križišče narodov, civilizacij in zibelka najstarejših kultur. Ob stoletnici italijanske Banca Nazionale del Lavoro BNL, članice ene največjih svetovnih bančnih skupin BNP Paribas, so v duhu povezovanja kulturnih in umetniških dialogov pripravili multimedijsko razstavo »THE SEA IS MY LAND«, ki presega fizične družbene meje, verski pluralizem in etnične okvirje. K sodelovanju so povabili po enega avtorja iz vsake države, ki meji na sredozemsko morje in nastal je skupek dvaindvajsetih vizij Mediterana, ki povezujejo Španijo, Francijo, Monako, Italijo, Malto, Hrvaško, Bosno in Hercegovino, Črno goro, Albanijo, Grčijo, Ciper, Turčijo, Sirijo, Libanon, Izrael, Palestino, Egipt, Libijo, Tunizijo, Alžirijo, Marko in kakopak tudi Slovenijo. Kot predstavnika naše države sta priznana kuratorja Francesco Bonami in Emanuela Mazzonis izbrala Aleša Bravničarja, ki bo na ogled postavil sredozemske podobe iz njegove nadvse uspešne serije miniaturnih svetov Miniverse I in II. Miniverse I smo premierno predstavili v Galeriji Fotografija na razstavi leta 2008, Miniverse II pa leta 2010 v stavbi Letališča Jožeta Pučnika.
Museo MAXXI, Rim
Nešteto pokrajin, a le eno morje. 46.000 kilometrov obale, ki povezuje tri celine. Križišče narodov, civilizacij in zibelka najstarejših kultur. Ob stoletnici italijanske Banca Nazionale del Lavoro BNL, članice ene največjih svetovnih bančnih skupin BNP Paribas, so v duhu povezovanja kulturnih in umetniških dialogov pripravili multimedijsko razstavo »THE SEA IS MY LAND«, ki presega fizične družbene meje, verski pluralizem in etnične okvirje. K sodelovanju so povabili po enega avtorja iz vsake države, ki meji na sredozemsko morje in nastal je skupek dvaindvajsetih vizij Mediterana, ki povezujejo Španijo, Francijo, Monako, Italijo, Malto, Hrvaško, Bosno in Hercegovino, Črno goro, Albanijo, Grčijo, Ciper, Turčijo, Sirijo, Libanon, Izrael, Palestino, Egipt, Libijo, Tunizijo, Alžirijo, Marko in kakopak tudi Slovenijo. Kot predstavnika naše države sta priznana kuratorja Francesco Bonami in Emanuela Mazzonis izbrala Aleša Bravničarja, ki bo na ogled postavil sredozemske podobe iz njegove nadvse uspešne serije miniaturnih svetov Miniverse I in II. Miniverse I smo premierno predstavili v Galeriji Fotografija na razstavi leta 2008, Miniverse II pa leta 2010 v stavbi Letališča Jožeta Pučnika.
Razstava, ki jo bo pospremil tudi mednarodni fotografski natečaj, bo na ogled v Narodnem muzeju umetnosti XXI. stoletja MAXXI, enem najbolj prestižnih in sodobnih rimskih muzejev, od 4. julija do 29. septembra 2013.
The original text in English:
The Sea is my Land, Artists from the Mediterranean
"A thousand things together. Not one landscape, but countless
landscapes. Not one sea, but a progression of seas. Not one civilisation, but a
series of civilisations piled one on top of the other".
Fernand Braudel
Mediterranean: 46,000 km of coastline linking twelve inland seas, the three
continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, and two cultural hemispheres – east and
west. As well as being a geographical entity, the Mediterranean Sea is a
crossroads for peoples, cultures, religions, languages and political and
economic systems. Its coasts are a point of encounter between civilisations
that are constantly coming together or moving apart, communicating or clashing,
forging relations that are not always peaceful.
This area was the cradle for the world’s most ancient cultures: Western Christian, Greek-Slavonic, Jewish, Arab and Egyptian, and its coasts are dotted with historic cities that played a key role in economics, commerce and culture: Barcelona, Seville, Venice, Genoa, Istanbul, Marseilles, Tunis and Alexandria.
This basin is home to the world’s richest artistic heritage, from archaeological sites to the cities of art of the past and future, that continue to bear witness to urban and cultural transformations. The migration flows that since time immemorial have invaded and crossed the area from north to south, east to west, mingle the many racial identities present in these areas and give rise to encounters that can lead to new understandings, or discord and tensions, forging new social and cultural trajectories.
Unfortunately these encounters often run the risk of turning into civil conflicts and generating interminable political clashes. This basin of social, economic, political and cultural revolutions spawns radical, ongoing transformations that continue to reflect the complexity of cultural integration between different peoples. In this milieu of constant change, the Mediterranean is also an arena for cultural dialogue, where the impartiality of art has the power to overcome social barriers, religious pluralism and ethnic dispersion, and foster peaceful communication among those concerned. The exhibition The Sea is My Land came about with these ideas in mind, bringing together 22 artists from the 22 countries that are bordered by the Mediterranean Sea: Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.
The aim is to foster dialogue between arts, countries and people, exploring the distances and relationships between different geographical areas. The exhibition looks to photography and video to reveal the ongoing interactions between these numerous nationalities: the works reveal how artists originally from one country migrate elsewhere to study, analyse and narrate events going on in countries similar or different to their own. The works go beyond political and geographical confines, as the artists grapple with critical situations to reflect on local identities and the changes wrought by every revolution. As the etymological origin of the word Mediterranean shows – medius, ‘middle, between’ + terra, ‘land, earth’ – this area is a crucial intersection that lies at the heart of complex social and cultural mechanisms, multiple ideologies, singular affinities and heterogeneous harmonies: forces that make it an enduring source of inspiration for art.
This area was the cradle for the world’s most ancient cultures: Western Christian, Greek-Slavonic, Jewish, Arab and Egyptian, and its coasts are dotted with historic cities that played a key role in economics, commerce and culture: Barcelona, Seville, Venice, Genoa, Istanbul, Marseilles, Tunis and Alexandria.
This basin is home to the world’s richest artistic heritage, from archaeological sites to the cities of art of the past and future, that continue to bear witness to urban and cultural transformations. The migration flows that since time immemorial have invaded and crossed the area from north to south, east to west, mingle the many racial identities present in these areas and give rise to encounters that can lead to new understandings, or discord and tensions, forging new social and cultural trajectories.
Unfortunately these encounters often run the risk of turning into civil conflicts and generating interminable political clashes. This basin of social, economic, political and cultural revolutions spawns radical, ongoing transformations that continue to reflect the complexity of cultural integration between different peoples. In this milieu of constant change, the Mediterranean is also an arena for cultural dialogue, where the impartiality of art has the power to overcome social barriers, religious pluralism and ethnic dispersion, and foster peaceful communication among those concerned. The exhibition The Sea is My Land came about with these ideas in mind, bringing together 22 artists from the 22 countries that are bordered by the Mediterranean Sea: Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.
The aim is to foster dialogue between arts, countries and people, exploring the distances and relationships between different geographical areas. The exhibition looks to photography and video to reveal the ongoing interactions between these numerous nationalities: the works reveal how artists originally from one country migrate elsewhere to study, analyse and narrate events going on in countries similar or different to their own. The works go beyond political and geographical confines, as the artists grapple with critical situations to reflect on local identities and the changes wrought by every revolution. As the etymological origin of the word Mediterranean shows – medius, ‘middle, between’ + terra, ‘land, earth’ – this area is a crucial intersection that lies at the heart of complex social and cultural mechanisms, multiple ideologies, singular affinities and heterogeneous harmonies: forces that make it an enduring source of inspiration for art.
The Sea is my
Artists from the Mediterranean
Artists from the Mediterranean
Ammar Abd
Rabbo (Syria)
Yuri Ancarani (Italy)
Taysir Batniji (Palestine)
Mohamed Bourouissa (Algeria)
Marie Bovo (Spain)
Aleš Bravničar (Slovenia)
Stéphane Couturier (France)
Fouad Elkoury (Lebanon)
Mounir Fatmi (Morocco)
Dor Guez (Israel)
Mouna Karray (Tunisia)
Panos Kokkinias (Greece)
Adelita Husni-Bey (Libya)
Irena Lagator Pejović (Montenegro)
David Maljkovic (Croatia)
Mark Mangion (Malta)
Mladen Miljanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Moataz Nasr (Egypt)
Adrian Paci (Albania)
Christodoulos Panayiotou (Cyprus)
Agnès Roux (Monaco)
Arslan Sukan (Turkey)
Yuri Ancarani (Italy)
Taysir Batniji (Palestine)
Mohamed Bourouissa (Algeria)
Marie Bovo (Spain)
Aleš Bravničar (Slovenia)
Stéphane Couturier (France)
Fouad Elkoury (Lebanon)
Mounir Fatmi (Morocco)
Dor Guez (Israel)
Mouna Karray (Tunisia)
Panos Kokkinias (Greece)
Adelita Husni-Bey (Libya)
Irena Lagator Pejović (Montenegro)
David Maljkovic (Croatia)
Mark Mangion (Malta)
Mladen Miljanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Moataz Nasr (Egypt)
Adrian Paci (Albania)
Christodoulos Panayiotou (Cyprus)
Agnès Roux (Monaco)
Arslan Sukan (Turkey)